Deacon - Sponsored by Dan and Karissa Fleith (2023)
Baby Gaga - Sponsored by Dave and Bonnie Andrys (2023-2024)
Braaadley - Sponsored by Ben and Janelle Gregen (2023)
Imelda- Sponsored by Jay and Renee Cariveau (2023-2024)
Luke4E - Sponsored by Terry Fore and Jeff McMaines Families (2023-2024)
Pinckney - Sponsored by St. Gregory the Great School (2018-2020)
Rocco - Sponsored by St. Gregory the Great School (2018-2020)
Wooly - Sponsored by the Gates Family (2018-2022)
Lucky Fluffy - Sponsored by Larson Family (2018)
Lucky Fluffy - South University Dental (2019)
Lucky Fluffy - Patrick and Suzie Loree (2020)
Meredith - Sponsored by Schaan Family (2018-2024)
Carolyn Jane - Sponsored by Light Family (2018-2024)
Maxine - Sponsored by Brian and Harriett Turner (2018-2022)
Dolly - Sponsored by Pat Pieri (2018-2024)
Henrietta - Sponsored by Jules and Chris Bowers (2018-2024)
Molly - Sponsored by Margaret Rafferty (2018-2024)
Muggie - Sponsored by the Holte Family (2018-2024)
Oreo - Sponsored by Jeff and Arnette Cariveau (2018-2024)
Sally - Sponsored by the Novacek Family (2018-2024)
Myrtle - Sponsored by the Novacek Family (2018-2024)
Petunia - Sponsored by Ted and Marian Appel (2019-2021)
Pasley - Sponsored by Ted and Marian Appel (2019-2021)
Glee - Sponsored by Harriet and Brian Turner (2019-2022)
Rosie - Oleary Family (2019, 2023-2024)
Norah Jane - Sponsored by Terry Fore and Jeff McMaines and Family (2019-2022)
Baaasil - Sponsored by the Members of the Sacred Heart Class of 1980 (2019-2024)
WooHoo - Sponsored by Valois Lantz (2019)
Lola - Sponsored by Marsha Oss and Family (2018-2024)
Phoebe - Gary and Sheryl Cariveau (2019-2024)
Lisa - Debra Brodeur and Triple J Construction (2019-2024)
JD Fore - Sponsored by Terry Fore and Jeff McMaines and Family (2019-2024)
Starlight - Sponsored by Sloane Anderson (2021)
Shaun Le Fey - Sponsored by Kiersten and Marcos Holzner (2022-2024)
Curry - Sponsored by Scott and Cadi Olson Family (2022-2024)
Ellie Bean - Sponsored by Jean Olfert (2021)
Candy Toy - Sponsored by Logan Johnson (2024)
T-Rex - Sponsored by Jackson Johnson (2024)
Pro-Landscapes LLC. (2018-2021)
Olaf-Anderson Construction (2018)
The Appel Family (2018)
Wolfe Steel (2018-2019)
Northern Improvement (2019)
Shawn and Nola McNeally (2019, 2021-2022)
Anonymous Friends of Harvest Hope Farm (2018-2020)
MATTO Foundation (2021)
Ken and Eunah Fischer (2021)
Scott and Lisa Kadlec (2023)