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Meet the Sheep - August 2020 Update
Nearly two and half years ago our original 10 ewes joined the Harvest Hope Farm family. They were all pregnant and we knew very little about raising sheep. Today, our flock consists of 22 ewes and ewe lambs, 1 wether, and 20 new lambs born in May and June 2020. We have come a long ways in our learning and have experienced things we could have never imagined, still having so much more to learn. Today, two of our lambs, born in May, were returned to Glycoscience Research in Brookings SD. These "affected" lambs will be used to continue research toward a cure for Huntington's Disease. We are honored to be a part of this ground breaking research, working in partnership with Shepherd's Gift for GM1 and Sue and Larry Holler.
In the coming years, several of our original sheep will no longer be producing, therefore we will continue to keep several of our female lambs in order to continue to build our flock. These lambs are currently available for sponsorship. We are ever grateful for the sponsors that have stepped up to help support our current ewes and ewe lambs. Sponsorship funds help to defray the cost of feed, veterinary care and other expenses that come with raising sheep. If you are interested in sponsoring a new lamb, please email us at With sponsorship you will get to name your lamb and be invited to exclusive sponsor only events at Harvest Hope Farm
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