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A Message From the Farm

By:  Lynn Kotrba - Executive Director


This has been a long winter, right? The snow, the wind, the storms, more storms, more snow,
you get it if you live in the Midwest. For those of you who don’t live in our neck of the woods
you are probably glad you don’t right now! Here at Harvest Hope Farm, I think this has been
our roughest winter since we made the decision to bring animals to the farm in 2017. Like
Jason says, keeping water, water, is our biggest challenge as well as having enough hay to go
around. Yes, it’s rough but not undoable.


But this winter has also been long due to more than just the weather. Personally, the past six
months have brought storms of emotional pain and struggles, physical weakness and often
sorrow over lost loved ones. We have lost loved ones and friends we cared and prayed for
deeply. I have felt the pain of families that have received a recent diagnosis of Huntington’s
Disease as well as the pain of those who have lost loved ones to HD. We lost one family friend
to HD that is gone much too soon. I’m sure many of you can relate in some fashion, it may not
be the same experiences, but I think we all experience such sorrow at some points in our lives.


Amidst this pain though, there is much joy, if we are able, to experience the pain, and look past
it. If we can look at what we can learn from it. It may sound cliché, but I firmly believe that
although we all may go through experiences that we otherwise may not have chosen for
ourselves, God does have a plan.


We have found joy in learning to love through the miles as our oldest went off to college and
being able to feel the reward of watching her reach for her goals! We have found joy in friends
and family members who have received news that they are negative for HD. We have found joy
in learning a new meaning for loving BIG after the recent death of a long-ago friend. We have
found joy in the support we receive from all of you for our mission to enhance hope in others
through hands-on farm experiences.


As winter ends and spring inches in around the corner, we have hope for what the warmer
months will bring. A new sense of life as gardens and fields grow around us, and as new lambs
come to life in May and June. A vibrance for life and relationships as the warm weather brings
children and adults to experiences and camps at the farm. A deepened sense of hope in the
leaders of tomorrow as our campers learn to give to others with a generous heart. And as
always, a grateful heart for all of you.


We encourage you, no matter what you are going through right now, to look for the joy and
hope around you. Look at the little things, no matter how insufficient they may seem, that can
and do make a difference in the day ahead. Talk to others. Check on others. Love others.


If you have not visited the farm, we encourage you to do so. Once here, you will learn more
deeply about the Hope we have in the Harvest, and we know that will grow your hope as well.
This year we are offering new experiences for grandparents and friends as well as special needs
youth. Our Llama Llama Camp still has some openings and Harvesting Hope for Others Farm
Camp will be better than ever! We also have new ways that you can support our mission at

Harvest Hope Farm. I encourage you to read on, learn more, and schedule your own hands-on
farm experience at the farm!


Lastly, in this issue you will see the names of so many of our amazing supporters! Whether
“ewe” have chosen to support the farm as a garden box sponsor, “ewe” sponsor, Giving Hearts
Day matching gift donor or you have given a donation in honor of a loved one we are especially
grateful for you.


May the sunshine down upon you always.

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