FARM CAMP 2019 // May 29-August 28
By Lynn Kotrba
Spring is here and that means we are gearing up for Harvesting Hope for Others Farm Camp 2019! Last summer, in our inaugural year of Farm Camp, we were blessed to have 17 children attend our weekly sessions on Wednesday evenings. From planting to harvest, the children raised their own garden bed and all produce harvested was given to families experiencing hardship. Each raised garden bed was 4x6 feet, hand made by Harvest Hope Farm volunteers under the direction of Jason Kotrba. The garden beds are made of high-quality materials and will provide for many pounds of produce for years to come. We are grateful to the businesses and individuals who sponsored these garden boxes!
But Farm Camp is much more than planting and raising produce. From caring for and interacting with farm animals, corn cob relay races, cooking in the outdoors, scavenger hunts and more, kids who attend Farm Camp are in for a ton of fun while learning about sustainable food resources and environmental stewardship. In addition, kids attending Farm Camp learn to pay it forward to others in need. Last year, Farm Camp gave free produce to 33 individuals for 12 weeks; we think that is awesome for the first year!
We want everyone to consider Farm Camp for their children or grandchildren. As a mom of seven, I believe one of the best ways to wear out any child while developing their mind and body is by allowing them to experience the outdoors! Children who attend Farm Camp cultivate confidence and leadership skills, learn to persevere and help others, develop large motor skills and grow their imagination in the outdoors.
Farm Camp begins Wednesday, May 29 and will run weekly on Wednesdays through August 28, from 6:00-7:30 p.m. >> CLICK HERE TO REGISTER << Registration closes April 30. Space is limited!