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A Message From the Farm
By: Lynn Kotrba, executive director
Welcome! Oh how I miss being able to say, welcome, when people come to visit the farm. In a normal year, we would have had several school groups visit the farm this fall, as well as families and youth groups, but this is 2020 and modifications have had to be made.
Some of you are new followers to our website, thank you for visiting. Others, have known us for a long time and have supported Harvest Hope Farm from it's beginning in 2017, many thanks to you! We hope that all of you will continue to follow and support our mission at HHF as we continue to grow and expand. This year we have had a lot of time to reflect on where we want to go with HHF and how we want to grow...we are casting a vision and hope that you will be a part of making that vision become a reality. As you continue to read the newsletter, you will see a great story about our 2020 Llama Camp. Pat Pieri refers several times to, perfect timing and I believe that right now Harvest Hope Farm is experiencing Perfect Timing to grow.
As you will read about, we have two great opportunities for you to join us in November/December to help bring Hope and Joy to your Christmas season. We are also starting a new project, The Llama Project, to bring hope to children with Juvenile Huntington's Disease and children experiencing medical hardship in the Red River Valley. More information about this project will be coming out soon.
We have also set goals to expand our farm and llama camps in 2021, hoping to serve 70 children through these camps and 30 families through our produce box program in 2021. With growth, comes needs. Some really big needs included. We would like to expand our space, build an additional barn and add 20 additional garden boxes. If you feel called to help in these areas, please reach out. Please also watch our website and social networking pages for opportunities to donate and volunteer at Harvest Hope Farm. We are very excited about the future of Harvest Hope Farm.
As Thanksgiving approaches, we want you to know that we count you among our blessings and that we are thankful for each of you. Thank you for your continued prayers and support of Harvest Hope Farm as we continue our mission to enhance Hope in others together!
Blessings -
Jason and Lynn Kotrba and family
p.s. Michael Lynn joined our family on August 5, 2020
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