Just a few days ago we celebrated the one-year anniversary of Harvest Hope Farm. It’s a little surreal for me to think about the progress that our team has made in one year. Actually, it’s a bit surreal to think that Harvest Hope Farm is a reality. It’s amazing how circumstances in a person’s life can change so quickly.
Today, I simply want to say thank you.

First, to my husband, Jason, for being the ever-optimist in our relationship. I cannot tell you how many times he encouraged me over the past 18 months to keep going and take the next step in making Harvest Hope Farm a reality. This is something that was put on our hearts by God, and to be quite honest, brought some scary and stressful moments as we worked through the process of making Harvest Hope Farm a non-profit organization. Thank you, Jason, for always reminding me that it is God’s plan, not ours, and that we simply need to act as a vessel for God to bring hope to others.
To our board members: All of you have unique and amazing gifts. We hand-picked you because God told us to and we know that you have the talent and wisdom to help make Harvest Hope Farm successful! We look forward to what the next year and beyond brings and continuing our work with you.
To our families: So many of you have supported us in our mission. Thank you! Harvest Hope Farm would not be where it is without the support of your time, talent and treasure. It has blessed the farm in so many ways!
To our friends, new and old: You are a blessing. Thank you for the many ways that you have come to support Harvest Hope Farm. From donating your time and treasures, to simply praying for us, you are appreciated.
To our community and business supporters: Thank you! Your support in big and small ways has helped to make Harvest Hope Farm a reality and a place where children - young and old - can find hope.
To all of you who have found a way to support our mission at Harvest Hope Farm: THANK YOU! We have and continue to be blessed by those who have reached out to support our cause. We look forward to growing with you in the coming years and are optimistic that you will continue to believe in our mission of enhancing hope in others through a hands-on-farm experience and education regarding sustainable food resources and environmental stewardship!